DOC immediately drove change within the UhUb toolbox & continues to do so.
DOC were at the time our largest client as they came on board.
A sharp business with forward thinking ideas, and a young and dynamic team, which led us to change and improve both our roll-out process and our language & accessibility options.
We have worked closely with DOC to capture improvements and in 2019 as part of that relationship we released Closed Captioning on all videos and are working with them on new reports for New Starter Tracking and Assessment Tracking for release in 2020.
Lee Andrews CEO of DOC Cleaning says;

UhUb Appears on the DOC history wall.
“UhUb has been a great addition to our company’s training programme and has addressed the huge issue of fundamental skills training for operatives of all levels. It’s so easy to use, we can now be sure that all operatives are receiving consistent core skills training, whilst having instantaneous access to the videos for revision purposes.
We place a huge emphasis on employee training at DOC Cleaning so the addition of UhUb into our existing programme was a no brainer.
With its real time reporting suite, we can easily demonstrate that operatives have carried out their basic skills training. Then through needs analysis we can determine who is ready to continue their learning and development with a range of company and specialist training courses. Soon with UhUb’s new Course Builder we will even be able to include even these on the system.
Our company were incredibly proud to achieve the Engaged Business accreditation and were within touching distance of Higher Engaged prior to a spate of contract wins, which UhUb has certainly influenced. We are continuing the hard work and look forward to achieving the Higher Engaged accreditation very soon.
The feedback from the field tells us that the system has made our employees feel more engaged with the company, whilst providing our clients with a brilliant reporting tool, and client feedback has been entirely positive too.
UhUb is something the cleaning sector has been missing, but looking for, for decades. Is it worth the investment? Yes, definitely!”